A solar storm will occur in 2025. This solar storm is the kind we should be afraid of. ESA and NASA say so. Solar storms occur at any time on the surface of the sun, but they are not severe enough to damage the world. But space agencies announced that what will happen in 2025 can reach very serious dimensions. If this solar storm does not damage our electricity network, internet network, phones, in short, electrical devices, you will probably be reading this article in 2025. So what is this storm, what is the solar wind? If you say what to do with bananas, I am not interested, it would be useful to have some knowledge. When I say knowledge, I mean knowledge in the light of scientific findings. You know, everything in the media is a lie. Global warming; They say that this global climate change will not happen, or it is not from that information. As someone who has been trained in science, I enjoy telling the truth in the clearest way, which is the discipline of science. It is probably not a catastrophe from outer space that will destroy human civilization, but man's own stupidity, says Stephen Hawking.  

  My prediction is that Global warming will cause massive mass extinctions that corona virus has opened. Anyway, back to our topic, solar storms are plasma particles emitted from the Sun. I swear, I felt like I heard you say I didn't understand anything. Plasma is the fourth state of matter that is considered to be the fourth state of matter but has not been fully proven. Matter has three states. Of course, these situations are not something like happy, unhappy or stressful. solid, liquid,

The electron is a fundamental particle, a member of the Lepton family. In this article, we will not be able to go deeper into the atom. The free state of the electron is called an ion. It is a very naughty particle. All electronic devices work with the bouncing and jumping of this naughty particle. When the temperature increases, we say that the phone froze, the pc froze, the laptop went crazy because it moved according to its head. The naughty boy responsible for all these complaints is the electron. I have to give you the basics so you can understand the solar storm so keep reading patiently. This naughty universe called electron is found all over the universe, along with the atom, of course. An atom, to put it simply, is a structure with two balls in its center and electrons spinning around it. 

  One of these balls is a proton and the other is a neutron. Electrons are particles circling around these balls like crazy. These atoms, which are abundant in the universe, are the particles that make up the universe we can observe. Of course, atoms make up the Sun, us and whatever comes to mind. There is also the diversity of these atoms. You must have heard of the periodic table, the table in which the atomic properties of the elements are classified. You may have seen the letter "H" on the left and top of that table, hah, the instability of that element is responsible for the existence of the entire universe. 

  He is also responsible for the solar storm, we will come there, patience. If hydrogen were somewhat stable, neither we nor the universe could exist. For example, we know the component of water as H2O. But seas and oceans are made of Deuterium. The stable state of hydrogen. Your death is faster when you drown in fresh water, When you drown in sea water, you die more slowly, that is, stable elements interact more slowly with other elements, so when you drown in the sea, you die later. Anyway, let's not go deeper, reading scientific articles is a great pleasure for a science enthusiast like me, but people are bored of reading. Let's move on to the solar storm.

Here is the element responsible for the universe itself, Hydrogen, which you have read above and obtained superficial information. We said that there is also in the sun, and there is plenty of it. 4 hydrogen atoms fuse in the core of the Sun (Fusion) to become helium with 2 nuclei. But this transformation is not a one-to-one transformation. Of course, there is no Science without mentioning Einstein. Einstein explained this phenomenon with the formula E=mc2. A huge amount of energy is released from this phenomenon as Hydrogen fuses into Helium, and lots of wavelengths.  

  Of course, these wavelengths are deadly radiations. Alpha, Beta, Gamma the most dangerous of these is Gamma. From this fusion, such a great heat is released (the core of the Sun is 15 million degrees Celsius) that the Sun gives life to both itself and us. This event, which takes place in the center of the Sun, leads to more violent explosions with the decrease of Hydrogen. Since helium is more stable than hydrogen, it releases energy more difficult. In other words, much higher heat is required for the combustion of Helium, then there is a life cycle that goes up to Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon... Iron. Solar storms also occur due to the instability of element interactions in the core of the star. 

  When heavier elements cannot be burned (I did not explain the more complex cycle here), incredible explosions occur in the sun and these explosions also contain plasma energy. These particles are released into space from the surface of the Sun. These explosions bombard our only planet Earth, which is as small as dust in the orbit of the Sun. These particles give life to the Earth with heat, and when they come in a very dense state (Solar storm, solar winds), they damage the electrical network and all electrical devices. Because the plasma state of matter carries very intense energy (energy-charged electrons). To give an understandable example, it's like throwing a charged pen battery at a friend in another country. But the battery hurts your friend who is trying to hold the battery, because it has to release its high energy to the energetically charged and interacting material (Law of conservation of energy. 

   High energy level flows to low energy levels, and the plasma energy from the sun transfers their energies to the object they hit when they hit the lower energy level earth. If such an event occurs in 2025, all information on social media may be lost, repair of electrical networks may take years, and we may not be able to use our electrical devices for many years. Right now, spacecraft and astronauts have shields and suits that are protected from these solar winds. 

  They can invent an armor, shield or something called a shield that will protect the electricity grid in this way until 2025. It seems to me that they will sell it to the whole world. After all, capitalism is such a system. They can invent something called a shield or a protector, and it seems to me that they will sell it to the whole world. After all, capitalism is such a system. They can invent something called a shield or a protector, and it seems to me that they will sell it to the whole world. After all, capitalism is such a system.







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